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Grieving the Loss of a Dream or Opportunity: A Comprehensive Guide to Healing

Grieving the Loss of a Dream or Opportunity: A Comprehensive Guide to Healing

February 01, 20247 min read

Grief is a normal, natural and universal human emotion that is often mistakenly associated just with the loss of a loved one. However, it's important to recognize that there are over 40 life events where something comes to an end or there is a significant change in a familiar pattern of behaviour that can produce feelings of loss and grief. This can include situations where there has been a loss of dreams, hopes, or opportunities. 

This particular form of grief, often referred to as "disenfranchised grief," can be just as profound and challenging to navigate as the more traditional types of bereavement. As someone who specialises in grief, I am here to provide you with an in-depth guide on how to cope with the unique pain associated with grieving the loss of a dream or opportunity.

There is a particular client that comes to mind. Natalie Potts had  been in her career working for a large retailer for about 19 years. She had done very well and progressed through the ranks. She was given the impression that her next promotion was a given because she had produced great results in her current role. Sadly during the interviewing process she felt misunderstood and questioned unfairly by a particular person on the panel, who then went on to not recommend her for the promotion. 

This situation, to her surprise, left her with feelings of intense grief and had a huge effect on her mental health and well being, leading to feelings of sadness, anger and  depression. 

This significant loss led to difficult emotions at being misunderstood and treated unfairly so she felt she could no longer work there. There is the normal grief that occurs whenever there is a change of career, even if you wanted it.  It can become complicated grief depending on the circumstances around the change and any secondary loss that occurs. Natalie's secondary loss was her sense of identity and self worth. This impacted her new business that she had started, as a business strategy coach.

She had imagined that her whole career would be dedicated to this organisation and saw them as a family member, but now she had a shattered dream and had to create a plan b. 

She had tried talking to compassionate friends, some of whom struggled to understand why she was so affected. They thought that after all it was just a promotion and there wasn't a death or a dying person involved! They struggled to understand why she was experiencing so many grief symptoms affecting her physical and mental health

She tried one thing after another but nothing helped. When she came to me for support, I showed her a different way to identify and deal with unresolved grief so she could move forward and get her life back.

It started with her understanding that grief isn't something only experienced by a bereaved person, but can affect everyone dealing with something coming to an end ,or when there is a significant change in a familiar pattern of behaviour. She realised that a loss of hopes, dreams and expectations is one of the three main causes of unresolved grief. 


Disenfranchised grief is a concept that may not be as widely recognized, but it's an important aspect of the human experience. This form of grief occurs when society, for various reasons, doesn't readily acknowledge or validate the loss. This can leave individuals feeling isolated in their grief. When we lose a dream or opportunity, it can be particularly challenging to express this form of grief because it may not fit the traditional understanding of bereavement that people are familiar with. This lack of recognition can intensify the emotional pain and make the healing process even more difficult. It's essential to understand this unique aspect of grief as you start on your healing journey after the loss of your dream or opportunity.


The initial step in healing from the loss of a dream or opportunity is to acknowledge your feelings. It's important to recognize that it's entirely normal to experience a wide range of emotions in this situation, including sadness, anger, frustration, and confusion. These emotions are your body's way of processing the loss and coming to terms with it. It's essential to give yourself permission to grieve without judgement. 

There is no hierarchy in grief as everyone feels their grief at 100%. Sometimes people compare their loss to others and minimise how they are feeling because the other person's loss seems more significant. Remember, your feelings are entirely valid, even if they don't align with society's expectations.


share your feelings the power of connection

It's also crucial not to bottle up your emotions. Sharing your feelings with carefully chosen trusted colleagues, friends, family members, or a Grief Specialist can be incredibly beneficial. They can provide you with support, empathy, and a safe space to express your feelings. Remember that your emotions are valid, even if they don't align with society's expectations. Connecting with others who understand and support you is a vital part of the healing process.


Grieving the loss of a dream often involves adjusting your expectations for the future. While it may initially feel like the end of the road, it's important to remember that new opportunities can come from the ashes of old dreams. Take the time to re-evaluate your goals and create a new plan that aligns with your current reality. This process of redefinition can be a transformative and empowering step toward healing and creating a life well lived.


Self-compassion is an essential practice during the grieving process. Be gentle with yourself and avoid self-blame. Understand that setbacks and disappointments are natural and inevitable parts of life, and they do not define your worth or capabilities. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer a dear friend in a similar situation. Self-compassion is a key to healing and resilience.

Monitor your thoughts, you and your self talk. These can take you on a downward spiral or an upward spiral. Be outcome not blame focused.


seek professional help expert guidance for complex emotions

If your grief becomes overwhelming or starts to interfere with your daily life, it's important to consider seeking professional help. As a Grief Specialist I can teach you the knowledge tools and processes you need, to identify and process your unresolved grief, so you can move forward and get your life back. I can also provide you with coping strategies to navigate the complex emotions associated with the loss of a dream or opportunity. I have the expertise to help you progress through your grief journey and provide you with the support you need.


Just as you might hold a memorial service for a loved one, consider creating a ritual of closure for your lost dream or opportunity. This could involve writing a letter to what you've lost, expressing your feelings, and then symbolically letting it go. Rituals can be powerful tools for healing, as they help you acknowledge the significance of your loss and provide a structured way to say goodbye.


embrace new possibilities a glimpse into the future

While it's crucial to grieve the loss, it's equally important to remain open to new possibilities. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and sometimes what seems like a setback can lead to a brighter future. It certainly did in Natalie's case. Stay open to change and be willing to adapt. Embracing new possibilities is a testament to your resilience and ability to grow through tough times.

In conclusion, grieving the loss of a dream or an opportunity is an unresolved grief. It's essential to recognize and validate your feelings, seek support, and practice self-compassion throughout your healing process. By acknowledging your grief and actively working through it, you can ultimately find new dreams and opportunities that align with your ever-evolving life journey.

If you're looking for more in-depth guidance on dealing with disenfranchised grief and healing from the loss of a dream or opportunity, feel free to reach out to me. Schedule a free discovery call here. You're not alone on this journey, and there is hope and healing ahead.

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